Making Your Own Dehydrated Dog Food

When it comes to preparing, sometimes our furry friends are overlooked.

Dog food can be expensive, bulky and depending on what you feed them, it can expire quickly.

A cheap and easy way to store dog food long time is to dehydrate your own ingredients (Here is my beloved dehydrator: ) and mix it. When ready to serve, you add a bit of water and you’re set.

Dogs need a certain balance of nutrients in their diet but its simple to figure out the ratio.

They need about:

1 part meat

1 part grain

1 part vegetables

There are of course people that feed their dogs grain free, but that’s up to you.

When dehydrating meat, I usually make sure that its fully cooked first and then dehydrate it from there.

You can use your table scraps but make sure that you cook your meat plain, adding flavorings, salt, pepper and other things later, just to be safe.

Vegetables you could do raw or cooked, again, make sure ther’es no added butter or anything that could go rancid

if not dehydrated properly.

And as for grains, I usually use rice or oats for my dogs (as one of them has a sensitive stomach).

To make the mixture, I gather all my dehydrated ingredients and buzz them up in a food processor so it makes a fine powder. Then I measure about a cups worth of each, put it in a bowl and mix it thoroughly.

Then just add to a jar or a mylar bag with an oxygen absorber and store in a cool, dry place.

Vegetables to USE: spinach, celery, carrots, peas, green beans and sweet potatoes are all puppy favorites.

Vegetables to AVOID: avocados, onions, garlic and tomatoes have all been listed as toxic at some point to dogs, so I felt it best to add them here although I know some people who swear by giving their dogs garlic (I don’t.)

My pups also like fruits such as banana, apple, watermelon, and blueberries. I have dehydrated these separately as treats.

Next week I’ll cover our feline companions.

Posted on September 14, 2012, in dehydrating, food storage, recipes and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. also grapes – very toxic !

  2. Reblogged this on thesurvivalplaceblog and commented:
    Can’t forget about mans best friend!

  3. Glenda Neighbors

    with all the food comming from china making our pets sick and killing them this is a good ideal what type of beef ,and can you do chicken to

    • Hi Glenda, thanks for reading! You can do any sort of meat that is safe for dogs, I stick to leaner cuts because fats can make the meat go rancid. Chicken, beef, rabbit etc are all fine 🙂

  4. Thanks for the article. Just wondering how long you can store for? Is glass the only reusable storage option? I’m trying to cut down on waste of the bags but also keep weight down as I am trying to transport 3 months of food for my dog with me to the Arctic. Thanks!

  5. Thanks for the article! Do you think it would work just as well to coarsely chop the ingredients as opposed to processing to a powder?

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